연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 Graduate Student Oral Session (I) (English)
발표장 301호
논문코드 1O12-5
발표일 2019-10-10
발표시간 14:30-14:45
논문제목 Antifreezing gold colloids as a deterministic platform for unveiling ice-water interface augmentation
발표자 이재원
발표자 소속 고려대학교
저자 이재원, 이상엽, 임동권, 안동준, 이승우
소속 고려대학교
논문초록 Over the last decades, antifreeze proteins (AFPs) have been extensively studied due to their special function of regulating ice-water interfaces. However, the mechanism of their activity is highly debating in the relevant field and thereby there is no generalized design principles of the synthetic analogous of AFPs. In this work, we address this challenge by using gold (Au) colloids as a platform. Benefiting from well-defined shapes of the Au colloids, functional groups are organized in precisely tuned geometries to provide exquisite control over the ice-water interfacial augmentation. From this engineering ability, we show that contact area between ice and antifreezing materials play a significant role in ice recrystallization inhibition. Taken together, we believe that design principles outlined in this work will pave a facile design route toward high functioning artificial antifreeze materials.